Dental Crowns
in San Antonio, TX
Dental crowns are custom restorations that are designed to fit over a single tooth and preserve it while simultaneously enhancing its appearance. Our office creates dental crowns for both baby teeth and adult teeth, and we would be happy to examine your child’s smile to determine if one or more dental crowns can restore their smile efficiently and effectively. Contact our office today!
Contact UsWhat kind of dental crowns can my child receive?
Our office provides both stainless steel and tooth-colored dental crowns. Both are great choices; they are just utilized by patients for different reasons. Stainless steel dental crowns are highly durable and a more cost-effective treatment option. Tooth-colored dental crowns blend in with the rest of the patient’s smile, which many patients like, especially if they are getting one or more crowns placed on their front teeth. Our team can help you determine the best choice for your child’s unique smile.
How common are dental crowns for kids?
Pediatric dental crowns are used more often than you might think. Tooth decay is one of the most common childhood diseases, and dental crowns are used any time there is too much tooth decay for a dental filling to replace. Dental crowns are incredibly important for protecting teeth that have incurred damage and for supporting weak teeth. If a dental crown is recommended for your child, we recommend scheduling the treatment sooner rather than later.
Are pediatric dental crowns expensive?
Since dental crowns are necessary restorative treatments, most dental insurance and Medicaid plans offer at least some coverage for pediatric crown treatments. If you have any questions or concerns about financing the cost of your child’s dental crown, please let our team know. Placing a crown over a tooth in a timely manner can help save it and prevent more costly and invasive dental services from becoming required down the road.
Financing Options